BuildOrRenovateAPitchersMound | DiamondPro


Building Or Renovating A Catcher’s / Batter’s Box

Use Diamond Pro® Mound/Home Plate Clay to Construct or Rebuild A Pitcher’s Mound, Home Plate Areas and to Repair High Stress Areas:


  1. Broom off all loose dirt from the stress area…lightly water.
  2. Add Diamond Pro® Mound/Home Plate Clay in one-inch layers.
  3. Tamp the clay to a firm but level surface.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the new surface is level with the old surface.


  1. Remove 2 to 4 inches of existing soil from the stress areas…lightly water.
  2. Add Diamond Pro® Mound/Home Plate Clay in one-inch layers.
  3. Tamp the clay to a firm but level surface.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the new surface is level with the old surface.

For a step-by-step guide for each type of conditioning, including field specifications: